Constructive Communication in Your Relationship: how to prevent arguments and build a stronger relationship

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Do you ever…

feel like your partner doesn’t always hear you?

say something innocent but which makes your partner react defensively?

react in the moment and say something you later regret?

make it clear how much your partner means to you?

know how to speak in such a way that lets them hear what you’re trying to say, while avoiding potential arguments or offence?

know that the words you speak are only one part of communication, and how you say them are just as important?

know that non-verbal communication plays a huge role too, and it’s not just body language?

We believe that you both deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Communication can be the key to this. Communication is essential for every relationship, whether you’ve got thousands of miles between you or you live under one roof.

Since we started From Long Distance to Marriage in 2018, we’ve heard from countless couples with one thing in common: communication problems are causing bigger issues in their relationship. 

We’ve also spent hours talking to different relationship therapists and counsellors, who shared their advice on the best ways to talk to each other and overcome barriers.

And we learned through a lot of practice.

In the early days of our marriage we had periods where we just couldn’t get in sync. We would bicker, blow things out of proportion, and often feel criticised. The worst part was the other person hadn’t been trying to criticise.

Fortunately, we were able to see the lessons in those arguments. We would talk later and find out what had upset us, and calmly discuss whatever problem we needed to resolve. Almost every time, it became clear that neither of us wanted to argue or had started a conversation with the intent to be mean and fall out. So if nobody wanted the argument and we were capable of talking calmly later, couldn’t we just avoid the big ugly bit?

Over time, we learned that when and how we said something contributes to how it is received. We learned what was likely to upset each other. We learned about what we both wanted and didn’t want, liked and didn’t like.

Ultimately, we learned so much that we became very good at being able to avoid arguments - but still have every conversation that we want and need to. Today, our marriage is so calm and respectful that both of us would struggle to remember when the last argument even happened. 

Relationships shouldn’t be a battleground

There are people all over the world who feel they have to walk on eggshells with their partners. Saying the wrong thing could cause an ugly argument, followed by silence and avoidance.

If you’re one of them, it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can have a relationship where communication is open and respectful - even if you partner is usually defensive.

And we’ll show you exactly how to achieve it in Constructive Communication.

This is our brand new audio course, but unlike a lot of other courses we’ve made this one with zero fluff. What does that mean? There are no classes to attend, no Facebook group to join, and no lengthy videos to sit through.

In fact, this course is under an hour! 

It’s for people who want actionable information quickly.

You’ll get 10 lessons, lasting no more than 5 minutes each. Each lesson has a simple task for you to work on, which ensures that the lessons become embedded in your relationship. We’ve also included real examples of dialog to hear these lessons in action.

By the end of it, you’ll know how to:

  • talk to your partner in a way they’ll hear
  • listen better
  • overcome defensiveness
  • prevent and defuse arguments
  • use and recognise non-verbal communication
  • have difficult conversations - sex, finances, life admin
  • use verbal tone to your advantage, and stop letting it cause arguments neither of you intended
  • create a Gratitude Snowball
  • build a safe place for your partner
  • become a united front

With these skills, you’ll never feel misheard or misunderstood again. 

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Constructive Communication in Your Relationship: how to prevent arguments and build a stronger relationship

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